Natsionalna Schkola Po Menidzhmant - BULGARIA
The National Management School (NMS) was established in 1990 and it acts as a non-profit and non-government organization on the national level in Bulgaria. NMS works on the level of school education and acts as a training provider focused on the development and piloting of innovative training methodologies and approaches, extracurricular training, postgraduate studies for young people, career guidance, human resource development, and lifelong learning initiatives.
NMS is actively working for transferring, adaptation, and implementation of innovations and know-how in various fields of education and training, especially with a focus on youth in regard to achieving competitiveness in the labor market for professional and personal success.
NMS is experienced in project-related research activities, elaboration, and piloting of training methodologies and tools, progress diagnostics, evaluation, dissemination, projectmanagement. Our organization has an extensive network of associated partners on academic, school, and non-formal education levels.
NMS has an experienced team of licensed trainers in soft skills development and coaching, and also professional educational experts, counselors, psychologists, and researchers who
work actively in the following areas:
- development of training programs and performing training in management, entrepreneurship, and leadership;
- development of training programs and performing training in soft skills development;
- career counseling and guidance;
- personal and group coaching (motivational training) for unemployed people.
NMS is experienced and active in the implementation of national and transnational projects within LLP, Erasmus+, European Social Fund, and EEA and Norway Grants.
In the last years, NMS has developed, transferred, and adapted different innovative training approaches and methodologies and has also performed training for the development of transversal competencies for over 6000 persons within different projects, funded by national and European programs.